
Doncaster is a vibrant and well-connected place, perfectly located for the efficient movement of goods throughout the UK and beyond whether by road, rail and sea.

With millions of customers right on the doorstep, 87% of the UK population reachable within a 4 to 5-hour drive time, specialist supply chain skills, low operating costs, a plentiful supply of land for commercial development and a readily available workforce, Doncaster is building an enviable reputation as a world-class logistics hub.

The rapidly growing logistics sector has an economic output nearing £1 billion. It employs 35,000 people in the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority and is continuing to expand at a fast pace, creating hundreds of additional jobs every year.

Amazon at iPort

Exponential growth in on-line shopping and e-commerce is driving an increasing need for well-connected storage and distribution facilities. Technology is a game changer in the logistics sector with automation, robotics and Artificial Intelligence all playing a part in driving improvements in efficiency.

It is no accident that the world’s largest on-line retailer, Amazon, has chosen to locate a number of its fulfilment and distribution centres in Doncaster; clearly a reflection on the area’s outstanding connectivity, plentiful supply of Grade A commercial land and a skilled local workforce.

A reliable workforce is on hand in Doncaster

Having a workforce with relevant skills in operations, customer service and effective supply chain management is vital to reducing operational costs, delivering outstanding customer satisfaction and gaining competitive advantage. Degree level courses in logistics and supply chain management are available at several local universities and colleges creating a pool of qualified and available logisticians. There is also dedicated recruitment and training support available from the Doncaster Advance team, specialising in upskilling and training in logistics for existing and new employees.

Household-name brands with warehousing and distribution bases in Doncaster include Amazon, Ikea, Next, Asda, The Range, B&Q, Lidl and BMW. There is also a thriving local network of logistics and freight companies including: Wincanton, DHL, Armstrong Logistics, XPO logistics, Ceva Logistics, Carlton Forest Group, DB Cargo, Unipart Rail, Volker Rail and Pass Logistics. 

With competitive operating costs and a wide choice of business parks, Doncaster’s world-class logistics hub offers fantastic investment opportunities, helping you to deliver innovation and efficiency throughout every link in the supply chain.

Top 5 sites for logistics

  • Doncaster iPort
  • GatewayEast
  • Doncaster North
  • Total Park
  • Unity Yorkshire

For more information contact Chris Dungworth

Last updated: 09 November 2023, 13:21