Application for mixed-use development at airport to be considered

Plans for a major mixed-use development close to Doncaster Sheffield Airport will be considered by Doncaster Council's planning committee next week.

Peel L&P submitted plans to Doncaster Council in December 2020 for development on land to the west of the airport.

Both the application site and the airport form part of the wider GatewayEast estate.

The hybrid application seeks full planning permission for the initial highway and drainage infrastructure, as well as strategic landscaping.

Outline approval is sought for commercially-led mixed use scheme of up to 460,000 sq ft.

The plans include up to 146,000 sq ft of offices space, 131,000 sq ft of residential and 95,000 of hotel use, as well as space suitable for retail, financial and professional services, restaurant, café, drinking establishment, takeaway and community facilities.

It has been estimated that the development would support the creation of about 1,162 full-time jobs (gross) over the life of the project.

The application will be considered by the council's planning committee at a meeting on 12 October and is recommended for approval, subject to conditions in an officer's report prepared for the meeting.

The report said: "The proposed development would bring forward a new gateway centre including a mix of commercial, community residential and leisure uses, forming a central hub at the heart of DSA.

"It is an integral part of the Emerging DSA Masterplan and its delivery has the potential to catalyse and progress future development opportunities in the wider area by delivering facilities which would complement and support planned business and residential growth."

The project team includes Turley, Fletcher Rae, Genecon, NJL Consulting, TTHC, AECOM and Bickerdike Allen.

Peel previously secured planning permission for an advanced manufacturing and logistics park on land to the south of the application site.


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