Doncaster businesses invited to digital debate with Council CEO and Mayor

Date: Tuesday 28 April 2020

Time: 2-3pm

Venue: Chamber Digital online Zoom event

This one-off Chamber Digital event has been scheduled to allow companies to hear first hand about what the council is doing to support business during the Coronavirus pandemic and how they are planning for recovery. Just as importantly it will also allow local businesses to question and raise any specific issues they are facing, directly with Doncaster’s Mayor and the local authority’s CEO.

Dan Fell, CEO at Doncaster Chamber, said: “The sheer scale and increasingly long term nature of the Coronavirus pandemic is putting immense strain on local businesses, the workforce and the Chamber’s partner organisations.

“A key role of the Chamber is to support firms and influence government and stakeholders on behalf of the business community that we represent. By linking companies directly with Mayor Ros and Damian Allen we do just that, allowing business to come together as a whole to engage with local decision makers.

“We are a borough that does partnership working brilliantly.  By bringing together businesses with Doncaster’s leadership in this way we hope to identify innovative local solutions to an international crisis.”

Damian Allen, Doncaster Council CEO, said: “These are incredibly challenging times for everyone and particularly our local businesses.

“As a council we are working tirelessly to support Doncaster businesses which are the lifeblood of not just our economy but our communities too.

“We have already helped businesses across our borough access nearly £40million in government grants and we want to reassure our business community that we are here for you.

“Mayor Ros Jones and I are looking forward to hearing from you during this live debate to answer your questions and reaffirm our continued support.”

The event is free of charge for all Doncaster-based businesses to attend. You do not need to be a Chamber member.

To book your place visit the Doncaster Chamber website:

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