Doncaster businesses recovering from the pandemic are being urged to ensure their cyber security is up to scratch after latest Government figures reveal one in five of businesses are reporting a sophisticated attack such as denial of service, malware or ransomware attack.
As people return to workplaces after two years of enormous change and challenges, businesses may benefit from exploring cyber security as part of their wider recovery. Local IT specialist company AdEPT Technology Group can help businesses take those steps to protect themselves against cyber-crime.
Information security specialist Stuart Johnson has worked in this field for decades and now supports Doncaster SMEs with their cyber security. He says that while cyber attacks and data breaches can be disruptive and even destructive, there is much that can be done to minimise the risks and give the peace of mind that has been lacking during the pandemic.
"Cyber security can be an intimidating subject – and one that's attracted a lot more media attention over the past few years," says Stuart, from Auckley-based AdEPT Technology Group. "With that, the headlines often go one of two ways: they either make the problem sound insurmountable, or they only cover the biggest cyber attacks, giving people the impression that smaller businesses aren't at risk. In both cases, this is simply not true.
"When I'm meeting with local businesses, one of the most important things to do is to offer clear, objective and reassuring advice that above all else says 'don't panic'. But before even saying that, I start by listening" he added.
Such meetings invariably begin by auditing the business’s cyber security and that means not only looking at technology, but understanding their concerns, culture and policies, too. Even though you see the term ‘cyber security’ everywhere, it suggests that protecting your business from such threats is tied only to the internet or technology – and that good cyber security is simply a case of maybe getting a better firewall.
However, when Adept conduct an audit, they look at everything that could affect an organisation's data and information. For example, the storage of paper records in terms of GDPR, or staff access to server rooms, even employee lanyards and the associated security risks they pose to the premises.
Raising the profile of the service AdEPT can offer to businesses, will in turn lead to further job creation for the business and the local economy.
For further information call Stuart directly on 01302 774820 or 07368 907788, or email
This article is more than a year old, please read this content keeping it's age in mind.
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