Doncaster Town Centre update

From Saturday 18 July, changes are to be made to the pedestrian zone in Doncaster town centre in order to further support businesses and trade.

Scot Lane, Printing Office Street, Priory Place and part of the High Street will reopen with the pedestrian zone staying in place for the busiest streets to help people to physically distance from other visitors.

Doncaster Council has been constantly reviewing the pedestrian zone since restrictions were implemented for safety reasons during the Covid-19 pandemic, taking into account feedback and requests from businesses and town centre visitors.

Based on feedback and government guidance, the Council feel the time is now right to amend the existing pedestrian zone and reopen a number of town centre streets that will not impact on physical distancing and the safety of town centre users.

Making these alterations to the pedestrian zone will benefit businesses by allowing them to trade more flexibly such as trade pick-ups and drop-offs during the day and will enable shoppers and visitors better access and more places to park.

The changes will also mean there is parking available again along these reopened streets for blue badge holders, closer to the centre of town.

All visitors to the town centre should continue to observe physical distancing and other public safety guidelines whilst we are still in a Covid-19 pandemic. The safety of residents continues to be the key priority for Doncaster.


Please note:

This article is more than a year old, please read this content keeping it's age in mind.

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