Further grant funding to help small and medium businesses benefit from digital technology

The Digital Innovation Grant is set to open for a new round of applications on Monday 2 May, closing again at midday on Friday 13 May.

The Digital Innovation Grant scheme supports Small and Medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and can include eligible charities and social enterprises, in South Yorkshire to develop their use of digital technology.

By exploiting digital technologies, businesses can access new markets, promote their products and services more effectively and develop new cost-effective ways of working. Examples of typical projects include client relationship management systems, new software developments, development of apps, e-commerce solutions and live high quality video streaming.

It will be delivered through a competitive process, rather than first come first served. Following a call for applications, completed applications will be assessed for eligibility then ranked according to a number of economic and inclusive growth indicators. The grant funding will be available for up to 50% of the value of an investment, with a minimum award of £1,000 up to a maximum of £5,000.

Digital skills and technology have proved a lifeline for many businesses throughout the pandemic, with many having to transform their ways of working to adapt to new ways of living and the fast pace of digital advancement.

Business Doncaster recognises that it can be hard, particularly for smaller businesses, to fully understand and utilise the power of digital technologies, so this funding along with the support available from our Business Doncaster team will be vital in helping businesses grow and fulfil their potential.

Funding and application details

  • The funding is available towards projects of no more than £10,000
  • Up to 50% of the value of an investment may be awarded
  • Successful applicants will receive a minimum award of £1,000, up to a maximum of £5,000
  • Applications open Monday 2 May and close on Friday 13 May 2022

The Digital Innovation Grant Programme is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and is managed and delivered by Barnsley Council.

Businesses can find out more and apply for a grant via the website for Enterprising Barnsley see: https://www.enterprisingbarnsley.co.uk/digital-innovation-grants/

Business Doncaster’s team of Business Advisors can support businesses to develop their application and make the most of the grant. Contact the team at info@businessdoncaster.com or call 01302 735 555.

Previous rounds have shown that businesses who access this support from Business Doncaster have a higher chance of success as they better understand how to prepare and submit a compelling application. The support is free and provided on a one-to-one basis for all eligible organisations.


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