Have your say on the draft masterplan for Mexborough Town Centre

Mexborough Futures is an initiative that can help bring about significant positive change for the town centre.

The ‘Mexborough Futures’ consultation is an opportunity to gain an understanding and insight into how people feel the town centre can be improved. The masterplan, which has been delayed for various reasons, is set to be resurrected at a pivotal time for the local economy.

The priority is to support and stimulate the regeneration of Mexborough Town Centre and encourage people back to the high street by making it a more sustainable and high-quality place that is better equipped to take on challenges that are affecting town centres across the UK now and in the future.

Once developed and approved, the Mexborough Masterplan will become important for the local authority when it comes to considering future planning applications as well as setting out key proposals to target investment, the masterplan will also support future funding bids to help them become reality.

The Council are committed to exploring funding options to deliver projects in the plan and have already submitted bids for over £24 million for Levelling Up Fund’s from the Government and transport improvement funds from South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority. This includes the possibility of £2.8M for new bus facilities in the town centre which Mayor Ros lobbied for. In the current financial climate this funding from Government is not guaranteed. But even if not successful, having a clear plan in place should help make the case for further investment over the coming years.

A number of proposals are up for consideration including improving access, increasing the retail, leisure and housing offer and improving the overall look and feel of the area.

Mexborough First Councillors Bev Chapman, Sean Gibbons and Andy Pickering, said, "We are in desperate need of investment for the whole of Mexborough. Revitalising our High Street for our loyal businesses and hopefully attracting new businesses to our town is high on our priority list.

“This is a very exciting time for Mexborough, let's hope we can all work together and make it a better place for us all to live, work and shop.”

Ros Jones, Mayor of Doncaster, said, “We want as many people as possible to help shape the future of Mexborough and bring about positive development to the town. Using the sense of local community pride really will help with this.

“This masterplan has been long in the making, with a number of major challenges that have each led to this significant delay, but these challenges have provided new opportunities to think about access into and around Mexborough town centre.

“We all want to see a thriving town centre, with the right mix of living, leisure and businesses for people to experience and enjoy. Mexborough can and should have a prosperous future, if we work together and get the government investment that is urgently needed."

Full details of the draft masterplan and opportunities to provide feedback can also be found on the interactive website at: www.mexboroughfutures.com



We want to hear your views on our proposals, whether they are positive, negative, suggestions for changes or things we have missed.

You can get involved several ways:

Comment forms will be available to complete at the exhibition at Mexborough Library, which will be attended by representatives on the following dates:

  • Wednesday 23rd November 2022
  • Friday 25th November 2022
  • Saturday 26th November 2022 (morning only)

Public consultation is open from Friday 4 November to Monday 12 December 2022 (5 weeks), after which the Council will review the feedback and consider how the Mexborough Futures proposals can respond, before being finalised. This will be the last round of public consultation on the Mexborough Futures masterplan, although detailed future proposals for projects identified will still be consulted upon as they are developed.


Please note:

This article is more than a year old, please read this content keeping it's age in mind.

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