Major mixed-use scheme progresses with green light for Unity Park

Planning permission has been granted for this substantial employment-led development.

Planning permission has been granted for a substantial employment-led development as part of a major mixed-use scheme in South Yorkshire.

Waystone Hargreaves Land is the joint venture behind the 650-acre Unity project. The company submitted an outline application to Doncaster Council for a 29.8-acre site comprising the Unity 'Park' element of the scheme.

A total of 421,575 sq ft (gross internal area) of space is proposed on the site.

This would comprise 391,575 sq ft of employment floorspace, and up to 30,000 sq ft of ancillary community, leisure and commercial uses and associated works.

The illustrative masterplan for the employment floorspace shows six units ranging in size from 37,500 sq ft to 110,000 sq ft.

The council has now granted approval for the development, subject to conditions, under delegated powers.

A planning officer's report accompanying the decision said: "The principle of development is acceptable in this location, and on balance, the benefits brought forward by the scheme, coupled with conditions to ensure the proper consideration of the detailed reserved matters proposals, mean that the development is supported."

The project team includes Gerald Eve, Jefferson Sheard, AECOM, FPCR, York Archaeology and UK Networks.

The Unity Regeneration Project incorporates the Connect, Link, Life, Living and Town zones.

Outline planning permission for the wider Unity development was granted in 2017, with the scheme set to comprise two million sq ft of commercial space and 3,100 homes in total. A new link road to support the scheme opened in December 2020.

Planning permission was granted earlier this year for a 376,000 sq ft logistics unit a as part of the Unity Connect element of the scheme.

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Chris Dungworth, Head of Business Doncaster said: “This is welcome news to have secured planning permission to commence the Unity Park element of the scheme.

Unity Yorkshire, an already exciting and transformational scheme will deliver thousands of new jobs and homes as well as creating major economic growth for the City of Doncaster and the region over the coming years.

The site is perfectly situated for businesses involved in the manufacturing/industrial and logistics sectors due to its proximity to the M18/M180 motorway, which will help in turn to provide valuable employment opportunities and economic growth.

Business Doncaster along with our Unity Advance Employment Academy look forward to working with the developers to promote the site, to bring forward new investment and to help local residents access the many new jobs.

The high-quality build of this space, will no doubt encourage businesses from across the UK to invest and locate in Doncaster”.


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