Pint size cafe opens in converted police box outside Doncaster Royal Infirmary

A compact cafe has become the latest addition to Doncaster’s dining out scene after opening its doors in a coverted police box.

Brew Box has launched in a prominent spot outside Doncaster Royal Infirmary – and will offer customers, coffees, sandwiches, snacks, sweet treats and much more.

The tiny takeaway is situated at the junction of Thorne Road and Armthorpe Road and was unveiled for the first time on Wednesday this week.

Bosses describe the new cafe as “something huge in a small box.”

The cafe offers takeaway service or an outdoor dining area and is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm, being closed on Sunday and Saturdays.

The police box, which stands right out outside the hospital, was previously used as a mini police station where officers could rest, file reports and make contact with the main station as well as hold suspects until back-up could arrive.

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