Shipping and logistics giant signs up for massive logistics property in Doncaster

Maersk, the Danish shipping and logistics company, signed a 15-year lease for the largest logistics building in the North of England

Logistics real estate provider, GLP, has signed a 15-year lease for its G-Park Doncaster Mammoth 602 development with Maersk, the Danish shipping and logistics company.

The unit totals 601,761 sq ft and is the largest logistics building in the North of England. It is six miles from the centre of Doncaster.

It is GLP’s third building to be net zero carbon for construction, in line with the UKGBC framework, and is part of the Planet Mark accreditation scheme which helps to further reduce the carbon footprint for the occupier.

There is 28,762 sq ft of office space within the building, 217 HGV parking spaces, and 372 car park spaces.

Adrienne Howells, senior development director at GLP Europe, said: “The signing of this lease is a great milestone for our G-Park Doncaster development.

“Mammoth 602 offers a unique opportunity to lease a large-scale site in a prime logistics location in the North and exemplifies GLP’s innovative and comprehensive commitment to sustainability.

“Doncaster is already home to a variety of top-tier companies, including Next, Amazon, IKEA, B&Q and Asos, and we look forward to welcoming Maersk as a new customer.”

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