Space2Create is an uncomplicated and creative approach to deliver a grant scheme, to encourage local applicants across all sectors.
This grant encourages local applicants across all sectors, with a particular focus on those within the creative industries (Creative, Digital, Heritage, Leisure and Food sectors) and property owners, to find alternative enterprising uses for available spaces across the City, or to engage in idea development via feasibility, viability and business planning to enable further development and utilisation of spaces as part of the enterprise ecosystem.
The grant will support ideas to explore, create, and showcase novel uses of indoor and outdoor spaces – including; events, co-working, and trialling innovations, test trading and test kitchens - local supply, the circular economy and ways to tackle climate change.
Grant Criteria
The current grant criteria was finalised using outcomes from the workshops and webinars previously ran by our creative partner, Designer and entrepreneur Wayne Hemingway, MBE, opening up a more organic creative way of exploring, shaping and imagining the criteria.
Support will be available for potential applicants to advise, stimulate creative thinking and challenge to projects with a view to developing viable propositions that may also be in a position to attract capital funding from other sources.
This is available until 14 February at 5pm.
This article is more than a year old, please read this content keeping it's age in mind.
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