Award-winning agency MultiWebMarketing is giving teenagers studying at Doncaster University Technical College (UTC) a helping hand into a thriving career in the marketing industry.
As we head into the new academic year this month, students at the college will be studying against a curriculum shaped by the agency – followed a collaborative approach to designing the new course content.
This is one of many benefits being offered to the pupils as part of a between the agency and college.
The students can also choose to attend work experience placements, test themselves in mock interviews arranged by the agency and take part in a series of open days created to give a real-life insight into their chosen career.
Some students will also be fast-tracked through for employment opportunities.
“We went and visited the college and genuinely could see the talent on offer. This is a place where the best generation of developers, engineers and marketeers are studying,” explained MultiWebMarketing’s Commercial Director Lewis Smith.
MultiWebMarketing has won 21 industry-acclaimed awards over the past four years including the jewel in the crown and internationally recognised Muse Awards as the ‘Best UK Digital Marketing Agency’.
This partnership has been agreed as part of MultiWebMarketing’s desire to support the local Doncaster community.
Lewis added: “For us to continue to stay in Doncaster and continue to grow at the level that we’re achieving, we need the talent to be here. Young people are genuinely our future and, if we don’t invest in them, well we can’t expect them to invest in us.
“We are in what probably would be a deprived area of Doncaster and we hire within a 20-mile radius of that office. We’ve got a lot of people that walk to work who have been given the opportunity to work in – what, technically, should be – a top agency in the middle of Leeds, so we are massively proud of that. We’re proud of Doncaster – we support Doncaster – and we support the technology within it.
Students are already seeing tangible benefits to the partnership and it’s certain the collaboration will continue to flourish throughout this academic year.
Senior Vice Principal, Miss L Glasby, said: “MultiWebMarketing has already supported our students in a number of ways and in January they will be launching their first employer project with our digital students.
“We are also extremely excited to be welcoming Lewis to our Employer Advisory Committee. We are looking forward to having Lewis’s skills and expertise on hand to support with our curriculum developments.
For more information please contact Emma on 01302 590444 or email
MultiWebMarketing are attending the Doncaster Business Showcase in 2022. If you want to join them you can find out more here:
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