Doncaster Charity Welcomes Amazon's Support

The Amazon fulfilment centre in Doncaster Balby Carr Bank has donated £1,000 to a foodbank in the town.

Doncaster Foodbank provides nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to people who are referred to the charity in crisis. The foodbank is part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, who work to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

Speaking on the donation, Gill Fedorov, Site Leader at Amazon’s fulfilment centre in Doncaster Balby Carr Bank said: “We are pleased to support Doncaster Food Bank with this donation. The charity supports vulnerable people and it’s great to lend a helping hand to the foodbank’s staff and volunteers with this donation.”

Mark Snelson, a trustee of Doncaster Foodbank added: “We are currently distributing approximately 1 tonne of food and toiletries per week through our food bank. There are items we constantly run low on or need more of that form part of our core pack of 3 days' nutritionally balanced food.  Amazon’s donation means we can purchase the food that we run low of.”

The charity received this donation as part of the “Amazon in the Community” programme, whereby the company supports the communities around its operating locations across the UK.

Community donations are one of a number of ways in which Amazon is supporting communities across the UK during COVID-19.

Amazon is providing disadvantaged students with online STEM courses as well as teaming up with charity partner Magic Breakfast and delivering over 2 million healthy breakfasts to families around the UK.

For more information on how Amazon is supporting the UK during COVID-19, click here.


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