Grant to support business productivity now open

Business Doncaster is pleased to announce a grant funding call to local businesses through the European Regional Development Fund Productivity Project.

The project will support eligible Doncaster based SMEs to understand and source solutions to improve productivity including access to a financial grant. These grants can be accessed to support project costs between £5,000 and £24,999 with businesses able to receive a grant equivalent to 50% of the project.

We are anticipating a high demand for this grant therefore to manage expectations, the call will close when 15 completed applications have been submitted.

However the Project will continue to run as an open competition to March 2023 with periodical calls inviting businesses to apply.

For further information and to access support, contact Sharon Finch via email on or call 01302 737630.

The Business Productivity project is receiving up to £4,730,154 of funding from the European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.


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