A company that is developing a full-scale hybrid aircraft has revealed plans to move production to South Yorkshire.
A company that is developing a full-scale hybrid aircraft has revealed plans to move production to South Yorkshire.
Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd has confirmed that it has been working South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA), Doncaster Council and other local and national stakeholders on a proposal to establish the Airlander 10 production line at a new green aerospace manufacturing cluster.
The company said it would continue to have a "significant and growing presence" at its site in Bedford site.
HAV said it was unable to discuss specific details about the new facility's location or a potential break-ground date, but planned to make announcements regarding its South Yorkshire relationships over the coming weeks.
A statement from the company said: "As the Airlander 10 programme nears launch, we need to identify a suitable location for the facilities that will enable us to deliver a minimum of 12 Type Certified aircraft to the market per year. South Yorkshire presents an ideal combination of strategic vision, educational and research institutions, potential partners (and current partners 2Excel Aviation and the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre), and physical location.
"Together, HAV and SYMCA and these other organisations have built a strong relationship and we look forward to continuing our work to establish Airlander 10's production home in South Yorkshire."
In November 2021, HAV signed a teaming agreement with the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) to support its goal of zero-emissions flight before 2030.
This article is more than a year old, please read this content keeping it's age in mind.
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