MOTIONrehab, which helps improve the lives of adults and children with neurological impairments or disabilities, is expanding to meet a growing demand for its services.
The new Neurological Rehabilitation Centre opens its doors to the public in Doncaster today (Monday 26 February).
The business offers innovative, technology-led neurological rehabilitation programmes for adults and children with neurological impairments, difficulties or disabilities due to conditions such as Stroke, Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and Cerebral Palsy.
From left to right (back row) : Tereza Clement, Katie Sutton, James Osborne (Clinic Manager), Isaac Allen, (front row) Misbah Ticklay and Ben Stansfield.
MOTIONrehab started 17 years ago in a physio room at a clinic in Harrogate. Since then, it has grown significantly and currently has a staff base of over 45 working from clinics in Leeds, York, Hull and now Doncaster.
The Doncaster branch will cover the following areas:
Sarah Daniel, Clinical Director, MOTIONrehab said: "We are delighted to be expanding our services into the South Yorkshire area. The new clinic will help meet increasing demand for intensive rehabilitation programmes, which utilise evidence-based robotics to enhance the quality of rehabilitation.
“The success of intensive neurological rehabilitation programmes lies in being able to provide intensity and high doses of therapy which clinical research tells us is needed to aid recovery. We don’t see people for an hour every week, we often work with them 4 hours per day for three to five days a week – that is how we get results and that is why we need rehab centres like this new one.
“Intensive Neurological Rehabilitation is not a new concept and there are a number of intensive rehabilitation centres in Europe. However, historically in the UK people with Neurological conditions would only receive 45 mins of physiotherapy a week. Hence the need to develop and expand our services. Our biggest advocates are the people who use our services shouting about the results they are achieving, meaning demand has really risen rapidly so the new space is vital for us”.
“The new facility is really exciting and enables us to deliver more treatment to more people in more locations,” she said.
“We embrace the use of technology and the benefits offered by intensive therapy programmes and many organisations are also recognising that. We take NHS referrals, work with charities, have private clients and we’re gaining a fantastic reputation outside the UK. We have people coming to see us from all over the world -California, India, Malta, Italy – which is fantastic.”
“With the support and expertise of Business Doncaster, we have been able to take on new premises in Doncaster and source finance and support that provides us with a solid financial platform to ensure the next stage of business growth and success."
Business Doncaster, Doncaster Council’s economic arm has provided a wide range of business support, including an extensive property search, in which a suitable site was found and one that provides the ability for the business to grow even more than they originally anticipated.
Deputy Mayor, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Business, Glyn Jones said: “We are very proud to have been able to assist MOTIONrehab in bringing them to Doncaster and look forward to continuing to support their growth journey and their ambition in providing patients across South Yorkshire with expert personalised rehabilitation.”
The business has also received support, accessing a number of local authority and South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority business support schemes.
In addition to this, Business Doncaster’s Advance team has supported the business with their local recruitment needs as well as offering future support for skills development as they anticipate growing the South Yorkshire team creating 10 new jobs over the next 6 months. Business Doncaster have also made introductions with various University partners to support with graduate recruitment, training and research & development.
Sarah said: “I can’t say enough good things about Business Doncaster – they have supported the venture from day one, making helpful introductions and understanding our unique needs. I’m really grateful for all their help and support.”
To book an assessment, please call 0800 8600 138 or email:
For further information please visit: Neurological Rehabilitation Specialists - MOTIONrehab
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