Solar Farm Proposals for South Yorkshire Site

A new solar farm battery storage facility could be built on a site in South Yorkshire under new proposals.

Enso Energy has requested an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening opinion from Doncaster Council (DC) for development on land at Warren Farm, Dunsville.

The 311-acre site is located adjacent to Dunsville Quarry directly north and the M18 along the southern boundary.

The proposed development includes the construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of a ground mounted solar farm with an export capacity of up to 49.9 megawatts (MW) for distribution to the National Grid.

It would include solar photovoltaic panels, underground cabling and battery storage housed in shipping containers or similar.

The facility would operate for a temporary time period of about 40 years.

A document submitted to the council said the proposed solar farm would "make an important contribution to achieving legally binding national targets to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and local climate targets by 2040".


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